
7 shabby situations when you shouldn't use your credit card

 7 shabby situations when you shouldn't use your credit card   Finance & Investment,Consumer “Life just seems to be getting simpler by the day,” remarked 22 year Swati, a software developer with a leading MNC. She was referring to the convenience provided by modern-day living aids like plastic money, online shopping, e-payments, deferred payments and the like. “Really?” quipped her grand mom. “We never had any of those in our days, but we did manage to save some money out of whatever little your grandpa brought home.” After discussing the pros and cons of credit cards, Swati realized the trap she was getting into. Typically, credit cards would temporarily boost her purchasing power, allowing her to give into temptations and spend the money that she did not as yet have in her account!! God Forbid, if she wasn’t able to pay in time, there would be the Damocles sword of accumulated charges and higher bills for delayed payments hanging over her head! Together Granny and Swati laid